Tuesday, March 27, 2007

roommates wear me out

so the roommates are really wearing me out. i don't think they understand the concept of privacy. they just come in my room whenever they want. they drink my coke out of my cup without even asking me or really even considering that drinking after me might be grose. they are loud and like to have sex and get drunk but then claim they are christians. that really burns me up. so let's just say i cannot wait for these last 4 weeks of school to be over with so they can give me back my privacy agh!


Kim said...

That does sound just awful!!! Jus think.. one day you will have great stories to tell in competition with others over who had the worst roommate experiences. I love to tell stories about my awful roommates that I had throughout the years at Lee!! It you need some cheering up over this.. call and I will be glad to help you see all of this in a possible humorous light. Just think... after living with these girls.. one day being married will be a piece of cake :)

K E Alexander said...

Sorry babe! No one can say we didn't try to get you in a different room!! This is making you stronger. I'm proud of you!!